Monday, August 13, 2012

We are all Exiles

“For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.” -Romans 8:20-21

“We all long for [Eden], and we are constantly glimpsing it: our whole nature at its best and least corrupted, its gentlest and most humane, is still soaked with the sense of ‘exile’.”
-J.R.R Tolkien
        Do you ever feel like you don’t belong? Do you ever feel like the more you buy into society, professionalism, religion, materialism, or the American Dream the less you have? I see a lot of band-aids on bullet wounds. I see a lot of smiling faces that cannot afford honest questions. I see a lot of people buying into things and not being satisfied. I see a lot of people creating strongholds to defend because, by god, they need something to pour their lives into.
        We all want success. We all want to be part of something big. We all strive for fulfillment. We pay a lot of money, spend a lot of time, sacrifice a lot of people just to get a head only to find that there are still people ahead of us and crap still rolls down hill. We don’t know where we belong. Nothing seems to fulfill long term. It’s almost like we’re living in a body that doesn’t like us, and a world that is just waiting to spit us out.
        This is exile.
        Read through Genesis 1. When God created the world He said it was good. Don’t believe in Creation? Okay, when things evolve they are supposed to get better. Everything is supposed to be on the up and up right? It was on the up and up until man came into the picture and started goofing things up. Let’s take it from the Biblical standpoint that we had a perfect planet with a perfect society, with perfect people and then we chose something else. We chose to disrupt that perfection for a “better way.”
        We now live in a world that is so far from Eden that the very thought of paradise is considered a myth. It’s such a myth that we look at the world around us and assume that this is all there is. We look at our broken relationships and assume this is as good as it gets. We know we were made for something better but, dammit, that is so hard to see and so far off that it must not exist.
This is all of our own choosing. Every good thing, every good feeling, every smile, comes from God and is just a poor reflection of Eden’s perfection. Every bad thing, every pain, every sorrow, comes from somebody going against God’s perfect plan and trying to re create Eden without that pesky God guy.
Now that you know you’re in exile you have a choice to make. Will you make a home here or will you look to your future home? Most people just pitch a tent and live in the confines of exile. This is easy. Its all there is. It’s not fully satisfying but nothing is. Nothing is perfect but if we try really hard we can create a good life for us here.
The other choice is to remember our father and that we don’t belong here. That feeling of emptiness is natural because we are broken.  That feeling like we don’t belong is because this world is not how it is supposed to be. You can doll it up, you can create a nice life but deep down we all know this place is not why we are here and it is not going to last.
Does that sound crazy? Read the tabloids. Check out how many celebrities are in rehab, are getting divorced, or killing themselves. You can have everything you want and still want more. Does that sound like freedom? Does that sound like paradise? That sounds like exile to me.
        It’s a hard choice to make. We all want to belong. We all want to know and be known. The fleeting success that comes from work, sex, religion, and everything else this world offers is like heroin; you never get back that feeling of the first time but you keep trying.
This is not our homeland. Do we fight to assimilate into this mouse wheel of an existence or do we rebel and fight for our homeland? Either way it’s a knock-down drag-out.

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