Sunday, January 27, 2013

How to Be Offensive

            I once heard a pastor read about John the Baptist and he said, “You have no idea of the context here. To say that John was ‘Dressed in camel’s hair with a leather belt eating locust and wild honey’ is the equivalent to saying ‘John had a foot tall green Mohawk, punk vest, and kilt and ate what he found in garbage cans.’” This resonated with me for obvious reasons, but it is much deeper than “God uses weirdoes.”
            The way we live our lives should not make sense to the World. That’s not to say we should run around overtly offensive and odd but we should stand out a bit. Our desires should be different because God has changed them. Our view on the world should be different because He has taken the scales off our eyes.
            Our behavior change needs to bleed from a changed heart or it doesn’t matter. Church is not about getting single people to have less sex or getting punkers to shop at Old Navy. It is so much deeper. It is about the fabric of which we are made not the fabric of which our clothes are made.
            We are so afraid to offend because so many Christians in the past have made themselves offensive as opposed to let the Gospel do it’s thing. The Gospel is offensive enough. We don’t have to use our behavior modification techniques and guilt about our mortgages to add to it. If somebody is offended by the Gospel of Christ, good, God is using that. If people are offended because of us then we need to knock it off.
            This is hardest when we want to fit in. We don’t want to get all camel’s hair and locust so we rush to the other side of everything is okay. We either try to get people to not accept us up front or we beg, borrow, and steal to get people to like us. This is short sighted and defensive at best. I need to trust that God is in every interaction and in every reaction.
            This is a fine line to ride on. Sometimes we doubt that we are serving God because nobody is listening. God doesn’t guarantee that people will listen and change their lives. Some will, some won’t. Look at the ministry of Jesus. Where the faith in Christ comes needs to take hold is in how we decide what to do and when we need to change. John the Baptist didn’t change his message or tactics even when it made him unpopular. This only shows his faith in God.
            “He must increase, and I must decrease,” was one of John’s famous lines. If we apply this to our love for God we will spend a lot less time wondering about how we should be behaving around people. 

Images taken from:


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Not Working

Mark 14- Jesus Anointed at Bethany

            I heard a sermon about Jesus getting anointed by the sinful woman and the pastor pointed out a nice bit of irony. The expensive perfume that this adulterous woman had in the alabaster jar was probably what she used to entice men into her bedroom or what she used afterwards to get rid of the stench of her sin. Either way, there she was, pouring it out on Jesus’ feet, mixing it with her tears, and wiping it with her hair.
            The people at the party had the snide, Christian comment of, “If He knew what kind of woman she was He wouldn’t let her do that.” Hooray for missing the point. Jesus knew what kind of men they were and He was eating food with them. At least she was real. At least she came in with a humble heart, the truth of her situation, and all that she clung to.
            What’s in your alabaster jar? Mine is the desire to be accepted. I need to know people like me and care about me. I’m really an insecure egomaniac. That’s what I bring to the Master’s feet. That’s what I use to get what I want or cover up the stench of my failure. I’m in constant need of “Ataboys.” Whether it is kudos from my boss, followers on my blog, obedience from my kids, or affection from my wife: I vainly thrive on affirmation.
            This woman was probably similar to you and me in this respect. Yes, I’ll lump you in too. I only know you because you’re human and you do stuff to fill voids just like I do. This lady probably became a floozy because it’s easy to get quick love and affection from sex. I would even be as bold to say that like the rest of us, the more she received it, the more she needed next time to get her fix.
            So she did what all us posers and fakers deem unthinkable. She took the very symbol of her biggest issue, regardless of the cost, and poured it out as an offering to Jesus. She was admitting that she couldn’t fake it anymore. She was admitting that it wasn’t working.
            I bet she was the only non-divine being who left that dinner with peace, joy, and fulfillment. She had an epiphany, a salvation moment; she had a true interaction with God. She was surrounded by bullshitting hypocrites who were trying to put her down and she said, “No, I’m going to Jesus!”
            Here I am plowing through all this again. It feels like I’m dealing with it for the zillionth time. I can’t wait ‘til these distractions go away. I can’t wait ‘til my doubt because obsolete and my faith becomes sight. I put some much time and effort into these things that I will one day just lay at the feet of Jesus. I can’t wait until the day I don’t have to worry about filling my life with stuff that I know doesn’t work but I do it anyway.


Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Bible For Real

            This idea that the Bible is a cute book of stories for right living must have been perpetrated by some one who ever read the Bible in it’s entirety. The Bible is full of grade A screw ups that end up in situations where no philosophy, good deed, or moral imperative could possibly help them. The heroes of the Bible end up in places where God must intervene or the hero will die or at least look horribly foolish.
            “Aha! So it’s all about getting people to ascribe to a religion! It’s all about making people live a certain way to get a certain thing!” I would lean towards that point of view myself if the Bible wasn’t also littered with reminders that we aren’t saved from our daily calamities by being pious and religious. Those who were cute, pious, religious, and good for the sake of getting stuff from God were often humbled, told off, or eaten by the ground. Religion saves about as much as a broken seat belt.
            The Bible, in its entirety, is horrid for controlling the masses. When the powers at be attempt to use Scripture in that capacity it always fails. Some punk always goes and reads it for what it is and listens to what it actually says, and that flips the whole system on its ear. We fall prey to all sorts of evil, secular and religious, when we start reading and following, solely, other people’s interpretations of Scripture. Other people’s opinions are a poor substitute for the Spirit of God.
            In years past, and in other parts of the world, people fought and died to be able to read the Bible for themselves and let the Spirit of God speak directly into their lives. Now, in this culture, we happily give up our rights to read the Word of God and have Him lead us so we can have a “Purpose Driven Life” or make “Everyday a Friday.” I’d be pissed at the people writing all this stuff if it was there fault. It’s not. The fault lies in those of us who will settle for less.
            The rub is this: if we search enough we can find other people to back up what we think or feel about scripture and God. But like my favorite English professors used to say, “I don’t give a damn about what you think or feel the author is trying to say, what is he saying?”
            Pray. Talk to God. Read the Bible and do what it says. Don’t be a robot and don’t fear man or their opinions. Read the Scriptures for what they are. The Author had a very specific purpose in mind when He wrote it. Anything else is man’s selfish, ignorant, ambition.  


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Equality and Salvation

            Those of us who have been saved often forget it’s exactly that: Salvation. We don’t get better. We don’t grow up and deserve Heaven; we get saved. We get pulled from the fire. We are dragged from the burning building. We are snatched up from the sea. Saved. Self-Righteousness is born out of the forgetting that. Crazy fundamentalism and ugly Unitarianism is often born of that forgetfulness.
            We get into a very, very rough place when we start comparing ourselves to others. Granted, it is as natural a thing to do as breath, but it is still detrimental. When we compare we start to justify or vilify ourselves. As long as we know that there is somebody worse than us or better than us we can go through our day. We want the hierarchy. For those of us with a rebellious streak we like to have something to prove that we’re better. For those of us with a follower’s streak we like to see that people are better. It is nice, easy, and organized.
            Today, I finally understand the whole “first shall be last and the last shall be first” thing. It’s not about trading places but becoming equals. One day it will only be us, our shit, and God. The only thing standing between damnation and us is Jesus. That’s where the equality comes in.
            How bassakwards is that from what we’ve been taught? Religion and God is supposed to promote our inequalities. It’s supposed to separate the good from the bad and who is to say what’s good and bad anyway? We’re taught that equality is when we focus on how everybody’s inherent goodness.
            The Bible says differently. Equality comes when we all stand before a perfect God and see how imperfect we really are. I am no different than anybody else. I’m no worse than anybody else and I am sure as heaven and hell not better than anybody else. That is true equality.
            Preacher who was saved at eight or felon who got saved on death row: equal in the sight of God. So the last don’t go to the front of the line and the first to the back: everybody stands together.


Sunday, January 13, 2013

What is Success?

At least I know what it isn't...

Jonah 1+2/ Matthew 17+18

            Faith like a child…Become like a one of these…or Jonah in the whale. Our entire society is in high gear to push people into “adult hood.” Then when we are there they continue to push us with words like “professional” and “responsibility” or “success.” To sound very juvenile: FTS, really?
            I’ve seen it. I’ve seen people get everything that we are told to achieve and they are miserable. I’ve seen people with the highest level of education, the highest level of money, and the highest level of success in their chosen field and all they are looking for is that next level. “…Let the little children come to me…” When the focus is turned inward it is always found wanting. We can only better ourselves so much. We can only go so far and the ladder is only so tall.
            What do we find at the top of the ladder? We find a bunch of pissed off, entitled little bastards nipping at our heals just trying to pull us back down. So many people view other people’s success as their personal failure. I’ve seen this in the World and the Church. If that person who is not as good as you or not as educated as you or doesn’t think the same way as you is somehow put on the same playing field as you then obviously they cannot be congratulated. They must be stopped. They have nothing to offer you and your fancy degrees. They must be destroyed or passive aggressively attacked.
            …Like one of these…Faith like a child…it is so simple. My son is entertained simply. He feels loved simply. He feels success simply. He feels anger simply. With Jesus pointing back to us being like children and being His children He reminds us of our place in the Universe. We are all God’s children. We must act accordingly. We must live simply. We have no control over the biggest things. God wants us to trust Him. Why? He wants us to trust because we’ll worry ourselves crazy trying to keep up with everyone else. He knows why we’re here, He knows what we need to do, and He knows what the outcome will be. It is simple.
As the days continue on I see how I am not of this world. I don’t care about what they care about; I don’t think the way they think. The stuff that all of these, professional, career driven, 401k-ing adults get excited about doesn’t get me going. I need more then a paycheck. I need more then a retirement plan. I need more then employee of the month.
Everyday feels like a little more paint is being peeled off the window. One day I will see clearly what now is so foggy. One day this too shall be made right. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013


It's personal.

            I don’t see God tearing people or countries down without a reconciliation plan. The times in the Bible God says, “Go wreck house and level them, leave no survivors” are relatively few. If you do a cursory study of the history of those people you can usually see why God said that and most people often agree. If God’s desire for mankind were total annihilation then He would've done it in Eden. If God’s desire were to let us do whatever and have to relationship with Him or to destroy us while He watched. He wouldn't have sent/come as Jesus.
            We don’t view our thinking as flawed yet we are okay to point out how God’s is all messed up. If we can justify how we’d do it that way, why we’d do it way, then we act like we’re better then God. The issue is that God can see the entire Universe and eternity at the same time and we can only see our little microcosm. I've met a lot of arrogant people in my time but I haven’t met anybody who said they know everything that’s going on in the Universe and eternity all the time.
            It’s because of His knowledge and love that God has been in the business of reconciliation since the second we started the business of sin. It was automatic. Adam and Eve sinned and in that first conversation afterwards God gave them a hint to His plan.            It is never God that bucks reconciliation. It is never God who pushes away. I understand getting pissed at God for when bad stuff happens. It’s a gut reaction. But if we sit back, take inventory, we can see that this was not His original plan. We can’t let that keep us from seeking his aid. We have a tendency to think we’re going to show God what’s up by not listening to Him when it was not listening to Him (or somebody else not listening to Him) that got us in this mess in the first place.
            Yes, God will tear down our sin. He has to destroy it because it separates us from Him and us from what He made us to be. Yes, that will hurt. But let’s be fair, shall we? God’s final answer to sin was letting Himself get torn down in the place of it all. That’s what makes God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit different from other religions. That’s what makes God’s plan so much better: It’s personal. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013


about the

Holy Spirit

Amos 7+8/Romans 7+8     

            There is no formula or equation for this. Either you are listening to the Holy Spirit or you’re not. We are either obeying the commands of Love or we are not. If we are seeking gray areas it is out of our sinful nature.
            We can’t forget Grace. We can’t forget love. That’s what the Spirit of God gives us. It’s out of Grace and Love that we are reconciled to God and are capable of doing anything productive.
            Why do we look for the catch? Why do we look for the trap door? So much time and energy is wasted on debating this minutia.
            Do I have the Spirit of God in me and am I obeying it in spite of the possible “ramifications” in this temporal world?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Romans 5+6/Amos 5+6

            I wonder if this whole identity struggle ever leaves. Israel always seemed to have issues with it, Paul addressed it, and it all came back to the Holy Spirit.
            I love Jesus and I like Punk. I love serving Christ and telling people about Him and I love to slam around in the circle pit. I guess it’s hard because the air and persona that goes along with punk isn’t all me. I’m not looking for a fight. I didn’t come off the streets. I don’t hate anybody.
            If I’m supposed to go and be a missionary to a culture perhaps it should always feel a little uncomfortable. I am different because of Christ. That’s not just with the punkers, that’s with anyone who’s not saved. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Old-Timers: Soli Deo Gloria Review

The Old-Timers- Soli Deo Gloria

            Fourteen songs, twenty-four and a half minutes. I haven’t picked up a punk record in a while that had an average of less then two minutes per song. The Old Timers’ disc Soli Deo Gloria is a powerhouse of hardcore punk reminiscent of Minor Threat, and The Business. This angst-ridden album reminds me why I got into punk in the first place.
            The crunchy guitars and fast drums are a great companion to the screaming Scottish tinged vocals. The lyrics leave no one safe. The Old-Timers are mad at self-righteous religious folks, poverty, the government, and culture at large. Unlike most bands that just bitch and complain The Old-Timers offer a solution and that solution is Jesus Christ.
            Now stop right there. I know what a lot of you punks are thinking. Yes, listening to a lot of Christian Punk is like getting stuck behind the school bus on your morning commute, “Oh, for cryin’ out loud! Can’t we just be done with this?” I assure you, this is not the case for Soli Deo Gloria. Not often does a Christian punk (dang near, Oi!) band actually have the chops to be able to pull off a record that can be enjoyed by more than just pastor’s kids looking for a way to piss off mom and dad.
            The album’s “Intro” drives it right home that this will be a fast paced, circle pit, punch in the face record. On top of that it leaves nothing to the imagination as far as the lyrics go: “We’re the Old-Timers pressing on/longing for the day we go home/ Holy, Holy, Holy, worshiping the Ancient of Days.”
            This bleeds well into the pro-Jesus, anti-religion track “Adoni’s Agape” which then transitions perfectly into “This City” which leaves nobody unscathed. For the rest of the album they pick apart everything from how we rebel, to how positive thinking isn't enough, and of course how we all need a little more circle pit in our daily lives.
             This band believes that Jesus is the answer to all of societies problems just as much as Bad Religion thinks He is the cause. It is no preaches no more about Jesus then the Dropkick Murphys preach about the plight of the working man. It rails hard against religious hypocrisy and governmental and social negligence. There is no lack of confidence in this band. They take full control of the medium and the message. There is no doubt that they are true punkers but more importantly true Christ followers.
            I give Soli Deo Gloria a solid 8 out of 10. This is a great introduction to these South African punk rockers. You can pick it up at their label, ThumperPunk Records.  

Love, Grace, Wrath

Amos 3+4/Matthew 17+18

            Why do I continually get amazed when the World acts like the World? Uh, duh, right? They gossip, they lie, they cheat, they blame, they run after success, they are bitter, they do drugs, they have sex, they think I’m crazy. They are exactly how I am apart from Christ.
            Again, uh, duh? I wouldn't be upset if a guy in a wheelchair didn't stand to pray, so why do I get upset when the people who haven’t been redeemed by Jesus don’t act like people who have been redeemed by Jesus? Apart from Him I can do nothing and neither can they. The only difference is I know that. That pisses them off even more.
           Most of my frustrations (and probably most of a lot of Christian's frustrations) come from forgetting where we've been. After being submersed in Christian culture for so long we forget that at one point none of this God, Jesus, Spirit stuff made any sense to use either. That's when we become condescending religious nuts. That's when we start acting outside of God's love, grace, and wrath. That's when we, ironically, start acting a lot like what God saved us out of. 
         The whole foundation of Christianity is Jesus' redeeming work on the Cross. The whole foundation for that is God's love for us and our inability to fix the problem of our sin. That realization should allow us to show Grace, and only Grace to those who are no different than us. 
            Lord, help me show Grace to those who don’t know You and act accordingly.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Punks, Shepherds, and Fishermen

Amos 1+2/Matthew 15+16

            So I prayed about being a Christian Punker. I gave it to God and I got the same thing I got when I prayed about my comic books years ago: Go for it, but if people aren't getting saved, what’s the point?
            I pray and I found Caustic Fallout radio, Christian Punks Facebook, CYI World Wide and the Kings Kid’s. It’s nice to be lead towards others like me.
            Amos was just a kooky shepherd who heard from God. He heard some serious stuff, too. He had fire and brimstone fanaticism stuff that would get him lambasted by Piers Morgan. God gave Him some hardcore preaching to do. That must have been uncomfortable to go from talking to sheep to preaching to people.
            Switch to the disciples in the boat worrying about bread. They were so focused on what they did or didn't do that they missed what Jesus was actually saying. They needed to realize what was important. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Faith in Christ or Locust

Joel/Romans 3+4

            If we don’t live by faith the locust come in and munch all the things we've built. If we don’t live by faith in God but only faith in our own bootstraps then all of this will crumble.
            Yes, faith is action. On top of that it must be incessant prayer and Bible reading so that when our actions turn from faith to self we don’t head that direction very long.
            For me I wonder if the punk thing is an action of faith or an action of self. Like most things I do, the motivation flip-flops. Sometimes it is totally an action of self. Anything we use to define ourselves, other than Christ, is an action of self. The question really is, can what we used as an action of self get redeemed to be an action of faith in Christ?
            Sometimes it starts in faith and moves to self (i.e. helping people, ministry, parenting, marriage,), while other times it starts in self and gets redeemed by faith (i.e. your job, your marriage, desires, hobbies, etc). I truly want to glorify God and watch people come to faith in Christ. I also want to stay punk. The question is, if God told me to toss all the punk stuff and become “cute” would I?
            I don’t know. I want to say I would, but why lie in my journal?

A Simple Prayer

Hosea 13+14/ Romans 1+2

            “Lord I wanna love you…with all of my heart…all of my heart…” –Keith Green

            Lord, that’s all I have today. That’s all I have any day. I have nothing to offer anybody except loving You. I don’t want to fake it or trivialize it. I just want to love You more. Let that be what people see when they see me. Holy Spirit, I pray You would be the number one person in my life and that people would see You and be called by You.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Obligatory New Years Day Post

   Wow. 2013. It's a New Year alright. Happy Tuesday. To start off the New Year you get an off the cuff invitation to the inside of the Exyle Dome. We have plenty of seating, no admission fee, and no guarantees.
     I'm old enough to have had years of total awesomeness and total crap.
01-04 were fantastic.
05+07 were great years.
06 was pretty bad.
09-11 sucked hardcore.
2012 had it's moments of incredible happiness and pain.
      If I looked over my three decades I think I would find myself in the positive as far as good vs. bad years. God is faithful even when the locust are hungry. I have a great wife, great kids, a good job, and some sweet tattoos.
      I think we love New Years Day because we like artificially mandated times to start over. We really feel that if we try super-de-duper hard this year all of our dreams will come true. This will be my year. This will be the year I run that 5k. I will quit smoking. This will be the year I have sex three times a week, every week. This will be the year my boss finally notices all the hard work I put in. This will be the year I save money for retirement. We need that day. We need January 1st of whatever year to give us a point of reference.
     The February 1st rolls around and we wake up, drink a nice tall glass of EFFIT, and lay back down. The gym can wait. Cigarettes are on sale this week. You've got a headache. Your boss is a prick anyway. The furnace blew up. How many days until January 1st? Then man, this year is totally shot, so I will start next year on the up and up and THAT will be my year.
     January 1st is a day off for me. It's a day off where I sit at the computer and let the kids run wild because my age is catching up to me. Who the hell needs to see midnight anyway? That is such a stupid time of day to be awake. Am I saddened by this? Am I as hopeless and crotchety as I sound? No. I refuse to bitch and complain without having the answer.
     Everyday is new for me. Does that sound as cheesy as it feels to write? It's true. I have been blessed with shorter spurts. Everyday, week, month, minute, hour, what have you, it's all new. I know that the second after I screw up I can start over. I know that the second I spill the milk I can clean it up. I know that the Monday I skip the gym there's a Tuesday with my gym bag already packed. I know that just because the kid was up all last night puking and my wife doesn't want to see me doing anything but schlep a mop and pail that there is another night on it's way.
      What's my secret? How do I have this mindset? Well for four easy payments of $29.95 I'll tell you....okay, I'll tell you anyway:

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
24 I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
    therefore I will wait for him.”


Lamentations 3:22-24

   Does this mean I have it all figured out and I have no issues? Yah, no. If you even think I feel that way read the rest of the posts here or follow us on Twitter and you will see why I am under no preconceived notions that I am anything more than another beggar who knows where to find bread. What God has done and is doing in me is too amazing for me to take any credit for. Everyday I feel the fight between my flesh and His Spirit in me. 
    Everyday is new because He makes it that way. I have received so much Mercy that I know that every minute offers a new shot, a new chance, a new lease. I don't need an arbitrary day because I know what happens when I hit my knees and pray. 

    So yah, Happy New Years Day, friends.